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Well, after nearly a year or so of uncertainty, the highly anticipated BBC Seventh Doctor Audio Adventure "Death Comes To Time" makes it's debut on BBC Online. And very cleverly done I must add. There is an option to listen to the audio alone and then there is an enhanced version of the story which features artwork by artist Lee Sullivan who gives the Seventh Doc a new costume design that is very Edward Gorey.

It didn't really strike me as a Doctor Who adventure in the traditional sense. It had a very Star Wars feel to it with the whole senate and federation thing going on, but that didn't bother me. A really decent production and Stephen Fry did a marvelous job as The Minister of Chance from Gallifrey. Lee Sullivan got Fry's likeness down perfectly. I think my only real big complaint about "Death Comes To Time" is that it makes me hunger for more. Brilliant job everybody involved!!


Click on the banner below to hear and see this adventure for yourself:


There is also a section in which you can cast your vote whether Doctor Who should return or not (like it's a difficult question or something). So exerise your right to vote by clicking on the banner below:


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